Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Are we having fun yet?

I am having so much fun I am giggling...

A MAVERICK? McCain is on the record as having crossed party lines a number of times in sponsoring legislation (that I disagreed with) and on various voting issues. Obama is on the record as having never crossed party lines at all.

Obama has declared himself to be a “progressive democrat”. Generally speaking, Democrats believe that government should have a greater role in solving life’s problems. Democrats believe that is the right and honorable way to treat people. Of course we need to help people. But, government takes that responsibility away from the individual.

I believe that our very purpose here in life is to take individual responsibility for ourselves and not give it over to another person or group of people. Life is a lot harder that way, but so much better in the end. I believe average, everyday people become both stronger and kinder with adversity.

OPINION: BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM: I suppose I could have found a nonreligious way of saying that, but those words come naturally…

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