Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Regardless of what Obama claims his tax plan will do, (see "facts, figures & misinformation) he has openly acknowledged that he believes in a progressive tax code and that redistributing wealth is the best road for America. I believe in a flat tax (which we don’t have) and I do not believe that the government should decide what to do with my hard-earned money.

America, along with Japan, has the highest corporate tax rates IN THE WORLD. When Don owned his private practice, he would leave the house at 6:30 am and not return until after 6:30 at night. He would have to fight insurance claims to be paid fairly for the work he had done. When the payments came, almost 40% of that money went straight to the government and that didn’t include his overhead. He worked 12 hour days and brought home maybe 30% of what he EARNED. I don’t believe in redistribution. McCain isn’t going to provide a flat tax, but he does believe that Americans should be in charge of most of the money they work for, not the government.


Julie/mom said...

"redistributing wealth"

That gives me the willies! Tatia says that is Socialism, it sounds communistic to me. (But I don't know what socialism is.)

G Dawney said...

Oh my goodness, Julie! Communism is NOT necessarily a bad thing. Neither is Socialism. Both of these are just different forms of controlling a group of people. Joseph Smith himself taught Communism under the guise of The United Order.

Personally, I would love to live in a Socialist state. Everybody pays in to the pot and takes out what they need. New Zealand and Switzerland both come to mind as Socialist countries. The reason that Communism has such a bad reputation is because the governments that have claimed to run it haven't actually done it. There is always a ruling class, which negates the effects of a Communist rule.

G Dawney said...

Oh, also, in re Taxes:
Last week's Parade Magazine has a table showing the differences in the tax plans of both candidates. You can see it here:

Julie/mom said...

Yes, and how well/long did the United order work? It is hard to do and do honestly, that is why I am not for it in the USA.

Anonymous said...

Clarification: There is a world of difference between communism and the United Order. One is accountable only to men, who are corruptible. The other is ultimately accountable to God. If a person believes in a real Deity who takes a personal interest in his children through living revelation and proper organization, including daily living, it is not hard to differentiate the two.

Anonymous said...

P.S. If a person did not believe in such a God with such an organization, then I suppose the United Order would look just like communism! And, let's not forget that the Saints in Christs' day did indeed have "all things in common." It's a great plan - as long as God is in charge, not the government!

Julie/mom said...

I agree with Tatia's P.S. - as long as God is in charge, not the government!

GBART said...

Nothing could be further from the United Order than Communism. That is an old fable oft repeated by Anti Mormons trying to slander the church. The basis premise of communism is to destroy religion. There is nothing more Anti Christ than Communism. To suggest that the United Order was the same as communism or that Joseph Smith taught Communism shows a great lack of understanding to say nothing of sensitivity to others religion.