Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I forgot the stupid blog goes backward so my FIRST post is way down the list and the last post is the first one you see. UGHUGHUGH... hey - ugh turns into hug!


Julie/mom said...

Tatia, when you post, right by the button that says publish, or something, look and see, there is ANOTHER option! You can use a different date AND time for your post to appear. It is great. Just look around that "publish or post" button.

G Dawney said...

So, Miss Tash, are you for Obama or not? 'Cause now it is hard to tell!!!

Bethany said...

Tatia! I really wished that I lived just around the corner from you, could you imagine our fun-filled conversations! I just read the Payne's Political Blog for the first time at 11:31 pm Thursday night. I will return soon (very soon) for some… "fun-filled conversation”.